Post Comment Love and Newbie Showcase 11th to 13th December 2015

Welcome one and all to my penultimate Post Comment Love. I have to say that I am a little sad but am really looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into a few new projects now – the first of which will be a complete new look and logo for my blog (hopefully that will happen this weekend!).

This last week has been busy with the general hubbub of what goes on in school at this time of the year. Grace has been learning lines and getting costumes as well as attending carol concerts, acting in a drama play and paying a visit to Wookey Hole with the Brownies.

This weekend is a family one where we fully intend to have a good clear up and then put up our Christmas tree.

Over the next week I will be making a final decision on where Post Comment Love will be going and then I hope to announce it all to you next week in the last PoCoLo of this year.

This week I have shared my usual poetry prompt where the word was ‘warmth’, together with the Prose for Thought linky, I have also shared a Maltese recipe in the World on a Plate Challenge with Expedia, a review of some Christmas cards from Zazzle and a review of some aromatherapy oils from Essence of Arcadia.

The Facebook Group and Google + community for #PoCoLo will be continuing so please feel free to request joining if you haven’t already.

If you are a regular here then it would be great if you spread the #PoCoLo word. However, if you are new here then welcome! Post Comment Love is all about sharing posts which you have written this week which just haven’t got the attention they deserve and, with them all in one place, we can help each other share the comment love. This is one of the easiest links EVER. You don’t have a ‘special theme’ to have to write about, the post can be personal, sponsored, a photo, a review, a competition, your own linky, something you’ve linked to a linky….WHATEVER you like – it’s one you’ve already written this week! If you want some publicity and attention, then you are in the right place!

Please make sure you go across and comment on at least two other linkers posts. Linkys work if everyone supports each other, then, spread the #PoCoLo about this link up on Twitter. The post you link up has to have been written in the last week. The link will go up every Friday at 6.30am and close on Sunday evening at 8pm. I will make sure I retweet anyone and also try my best to tweet out the posts with the PoCoLo badge being displayed on either the post or the sidebar.

I have a list for the Newbie Showcase running into May 2016. Please note that I am not taking requests for this at the moment but will look to change that once the new host or hosts are in place.

This week please welcome the newbie showcase, Laura from Life with Baby Kicks.


Hi I’m Laura and I blog over at Life with Baby Kicks, which was born in January when I had the Baby kicking me from the inside and the Toddler booting me on the outside.
Since then I have fallen deep into the mystical world of blogging, loving the opportunities that have brought my way and being able to spout off about anything and everything without feeling like I am making someones eyes roll back into their head.  Blogging has reminded me that I have a voice, that helps to speak to others who have Toddlers that don’t sleep or babies for that matter.
Blogging has given me an identity again and has allowed me to record our family life, not just the perfect moments I choose to remember, the rose tinted glasses, but the time we had a tantrum over shoes and the guilt I feel for my second son.  It’s caused me to re-evaluate what I want from life and work, helping me look at other options, making me realise what I can offer from all perspectives.  In short, a bit like Julie Andrews in Sound of Music “I have Confidence in Confidence alone, besides which you see I have confidence in me” and I can’t wait to see where blogging takes me next!

Don’t forget to visit Laura and at least two other posts on this link up (don’t mind if they are not mine!) and have a great weekend x

Post Comment Love
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  1. Hi Victoria, we’ve just put our tree and decorations up, it’s been a long week, but the task is now done. I hope your tree dressing is fun and stress free!

    It is sad to think that there is only one more #PoCoLo (as we know it) to look forward to. But I do look forward to getting to know whoever takes over.

    I did get a little excited thinking you were sharing a recipe for Maltesers! Then realized I’d misread. I am now totally gutted and craving Maltesers!

    Thank you for hosting.


    1. We had a fantastic time putting our tree up thanks 🙂 Hahaha – I wish it had been Maltesers!!

  2. Hi Victoria, I have been meaning to comment on the end of PoCoLo (with you) for a couple of weeks but life got crazy for a while and I kind of lost the way with commenting and linkies. I have no real idea of the work involved in running such things mainly due to my lack of any technical abilities, but I do see that it must be a huge undertaking and suck time away from things that matter more to you personally. To have honesty with yourself about that is a good thing. I wish you well on your new projects – the idea of a book of readings sounds fab. Anyway thanks for hosting and I hope you have a great weekend with your family.

  3. Hope you, Ross and Grace have a fun weekend putting up the tree – ours is probably going to go up this weekend as well. Lovely to read more about Laura in this week’s newbie showcase – so true that blogging is a great way of recording all the everyday bits of family life and not just those happier moments that we would choose to remember otherwise. Thanks for hosting #PoCoLo 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Louise, I hope you are having a great weekend too and thanks for linking xx

  4. Thank you for hosting as always Vic. I hope you have a fabulous weekend with Ross and Grace x

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