Adventures in Rock Pooling

One day, Grace and Emily decided to go rock pooling…Emily tried…


Grace tried…


but both were puzzled. They couldn’t catch a thing! Until…


Emily managed to land herself a ‘Ross’!

NB: The last photograph is not Photoshop trickery. It is simply a different perspective and angle!

If you are on Instagram, then don’t forget that my new Instagram linky, InstaLinkLove, is open until Sunday evening at 9.30pm (probably one of the easiest linkys out there!).

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  1. Oh this is so clever how you have picked out the shot of colour. Great perspective on the last shot too. It does look like she’s caught a Ross. #mysundayphoto

  2. Fabulous pictures! I love the editing and the tiny splashes of colour that you have added – they are beautiful. The last picture made me laugh out loud – brilliant xx

  3. Great photos the use of selective colour is brilliant. The last one made me smile. Great angle!

  4. Beautiful use of selective colour. I love the top one the most. I hope it was a fun day

    Thank you for linking up

  5. Hi Victoria, I love what you’ve done with the colour in the photos. That ‘Ross’ looks decidedly dodgy, I hope you got the girls to put him back!


  6. What fun! I’d love to go rock pooling with Freya but haven’t found any yet. Love your colour splashes. #MySundayPhoto

  7. A selective colour filter, yes? Really enjoyed these images. Did the net survive having Ross in it?? #MySUndayPhoto

  8. Well done on catching a Ross :). We did rock pooling recently and it’s a lot harder than it sounds isn’t it? We caught a bunch of weeds and that’s it!

    1. Hahaha! They aren’t very common 😉 It is not easy at all – Grace found a sea slug, she is usually pretty good at it!

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