As you may have noticed, I love writing poetry and prose and I am willing to bet that there is a large group of people out there who feel the same.

The trouble I find is that poetry tends to get overlooked in relation to a full-blown book and therefore publicity of these delicate verses goes unnoticed.

Not anymore! Well, not on my blog anyway! Every Thursday I run a link on my blog  called Prose for Thought. I shall share my poem or piece of prose on my blog and I would love other creatives amongst us to join in!

It can be written in anyway you like. All I ask is that you follow the linky conditions:

1. Write a poem or piece of prose on your blog – it can be written by you or someone else but must be an original.

2.  Come over to Verily, Victoria Vocalises every Thursday and link your post to that week’s Prose for Thought post.

3. To help other poets, and help publicise our creativity, I would love it if you would grab my badge code below and display it on your sidebar or in the post you write. This, of course, is not obligatory but would be very much appreciated!

6. Tweet about your latest poem on Twitter using #prose4T

The link will be open until the following Monday evening.

I am also the co-editor of the Poetry and Prose Round-Up over on the BritMums site which is published on the first Wednesday of the month, so please let me know if you have anything you would like to share there.

Prose for Thought
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